Day 30ish PRK Recovery

Day 30ish PRK Recovery
Photo by Bacila Vlad / Unsplash

I had my one month PRK checkup today. I missed my exit twice on the way, luckily I had plenty of time. I noticed on the way there that my left eye is not great right now. Usually I can see through it pretty well, it just wasn't good today.

The Dr. said that is normal recovery, and it should get better over time. My right eye is seeing 20/15 which is better than normal, but my left was only at 20/30 which isn't terrible, but not good. It will get better with time.

Mark had a basketball game today. He did amazing. He was more aggressive and attentive than he has ever been . He got the ball a few times including a pretty decent steal. He got knocked down by some kid pushing him, but they didn't seem to be calling the other team pushing people.