
Today we started off the day by setting up Christmas lights. It went pretty smoothly. Warren was a big help setting up the lake and wrapping the trees. We got probably about half way done. Which I think was pretty good. We seemed to have lost a net light, which I can't seem to find what is wrong with it. Usually it's a loose bulb, but I checked them all.
We stopped about 1:30 and got ready for the Harbormaster Turkey Fest dinner. We decided to bring cottage potatos, which turned out pretty decent. Warren came with us, and Mark stayed at his dad's.
The food was pretty good, the potatos went really fast. We chatted with people around us, and warren got dessert after dessert. After we were done eating we stopped and talked to our slip neighbor Traci (sp?) and his wife. They introduced us to friends of theirs that actually sold them the boat when they moved into a hunter 26.
Then I stopped by to talk to Brian and Steph, who I first met when we first put our boat in. They have been sailing pretty much since around the same time. They sail a McGregor. They also said they had the boat in Utah lake for a while, but took it out when they were no longer able t get in and out of the marina due to lake levels.
We had a really great time, and loved meeting some new sailors. I look forward to the next event.

After that we headed to Home Depot and picked up some Christmas decorations, We bought a candy cane cross to put on the railing of the back deck, and I think it will look really good.