Sailing and Jazz game

Today was a busy day. Nikki and I slept in to 9 and then we got up and got everyone ready to go sailing. Mark was really helpful in getting ready and Warren got himself dressed, though he had to change both of his shirts around.
We got to the boat at about 11:15 and got out of the marina about 11:45. The water was calm but the winds was enough to sail. There was a boat already out so we followed their lead to pick hit the wind best. At the deep water markers normal position we dropped the keel and the kids helped lift the sails.

We sailed really well and caught up to them, it turned out to be another Catalina 22. We sailed toward them for about an hour, and had some lunch and relaxed on the boat.

They turned after an hour back towards home, so we followed suit. We were fairly close by then so sailed just off of them back towards the channel. It would have been great pictures from the water of both of our boats sailing along together. As it was I got some great pictures as we sailed.

We had a lot of fun and made it back to out sail down Mark about an hour after we tacked to come home. Mark helped me drop the sails and get the job on deck and then took the helm so we could drop the main into the wind.

We motored into the harbor, and moored up and headed toward home.

We decided to stop for some pizza buffett along the way home. It was good but not as good as last week.
After that we took a bit of a nap and headed out again. This time to watch the Jazz play. Warren had gotten a ticket for playing in Jr. Jazz and ours were super cheap.

It was a really long day.