Sail Boat Work

I put a 9 pound pork but on the smoker when I woke up in the morning. It should have taken 12 hours, but I am going to bed without it being done. The temp probes on the smokes seem to not be working great. I ordered a wireless one, and am returning it as it only can be picked up when the grill is open.
Warren helped me with boat work today. He did a really great job. He climbed down beneath the seats and helped me remove the bolts from the gudgeons brackets. I am replacing them so that I can fit a new rudder. Most of the bolts we were able to get off pretty easily. There are 4 in the cockpit that came off with no problem. Two of the ones under the footwell came out ok, they took some work, but we got them eventually.
The last two I had to have Nikki help me out with. But even though she squeezed herself into the tiny storage bin, I still ended up needing to cut them off. I used the angle cutter and was able to cut half of one before my blade gave out. I ran to harbor freight and picked up another one to cut them the rest of the way off.