Royals Soccer Game

We had a dentist appointment today, the whole family. It went really really badly. They dropped our insurance company. So we paid a huge amount. They didn't do a great job on Nikki, and she had a ton of pain from it. And they asked us to come in sooner because they had nobody after us, but they we waited around until after the time we were supposed to be there to be seen. It was annoying all around.
In the evening we went to a Royals Soccer Game at the Real Soccer Stadium. We got there a bit early and it really paid off. The kids were finally after sporting event after sporting event of trying finally able to get on the big screen. The danced and danced the entire pregame hour and actually made it on several times.

The game was good but a bit slow. The Royals ended up loosing 0-1, but the kids really had fun. The food wasn't cheap, but the tickets at least were.