Outboard Maintenance Prep

I am getting together a list of parts I need to do maintenance of my Tahatsu Sailpro 6 outboard for my Catalina 22. It's been used for two years with the gear oil the only thing that I have ever changed. It works perfect every time. With the exception of needing to up the throttle on a pull start to get it started. I have found that issues with all tahatsu outboards. So here is everything I need to do to it.
- Gear Oil
- Engine Oil
- Spark Plug
- Impeller
The impeller part is the only thing that scares me a little bit. It is a bit complicated, but there are youtube videos that show how it's done. I think it should be easy enough.
Every year I make a list of the things to get the boat ready, and it doesn't happen. So this year no list is getting done. We plan to launch before June 4th which is the Eardly Spit cruise.

Nikki has been walking the dog lately. He is pretty much exhausted afterward.