Fry Bread Tacos

Fry Bread Tacos
Photo by Ashwini Chaudhary(Monty) / Unsplash

Today we pretty much just cleaned the house. The kids did great for there part. Warren was a big help with cleaning the living room and his room. He helped out with the laundry and cleaned the stairs. Mark took a bit of prodding but finally got there and did his part.

Out couch cushions never stay put, I solved the problem for a year or so with some carpet Velcro, but that needed refreshed, so they seem to stay in place better now that I did that. Nikki also restaffed the arms with batting, so we will see if we can squeeze 4 more years out of it.

For dinner we had fry bread tacos at Sharon's, they were really good, I enjoyed them. She had a few mixes for soapapias that I mixed up for desert as well. We were all stuffed when someone thought of putting whip cream in them, that really took them to the next level