More More More Boat Projects.

More More More Boat Projects.

Today Warren and I ran to the store to grab bolts for the winches and for the crib board rails. Then we went to McDonalds so Warren could play

I redrilled the winch holes and Warren helped me get them both mounted. They look really good, and I am happy with how they turned out.

I sanded down the crib rail holes and realized then there was enough damaged area that I really needed to paint. So I did. I made to strips that covered the area out of tape and sanded everything down really good. Then drilled the new holes I needed and painted everything. Including touching up the back area again.

Then Warren climbed below and we installed the lower gudgeon plate. I taught him to use locktite so we can keep everything nice and tight down there.

The Ian came over with Elevyn and the kids played. I planted all the plants I have been meaning to get around to planting, and fixed my geyser of a sprinkler.

After Dinner Ian helped me install the traveler bar on the back of the boat. The job was way easier with hom helping, but still took a bit.

All in all we got a ton done today.