House Projects

Warren's fan died a few weeks ago, but I haven't been able to see well enough to replace it. So, while Nikki cleaned the house I took Warren to the store to pick out a fan.
It was actually easy to find one he liked. It was also cheaper by about $50 than I was thinking it would be. Installing it did take a bit, I have replaced a few fans in the house, and they are always a hassle. The builders did not install the correct boxes for ceiling fans. They are all installed in the plastic boxes that are not well secured. I decided to leave the one that is there even though it wiggled a tiny bit, but I may regret it.

After that I worked on cleaning up the hot tub. We ordered new filters so we could easily swap them out when we needed. The Alkalinity was a bit low so I brought that up. I have been having a rough time keeping the PH from being too high, and I am hoping that was the reason why. I think it should be good now, so we will see.

Then I hung up the swing on the deck that the kids got from Sarah for Christmas. Warren has been begging me to up it up, but it's been to cold. I had to add some pieces of wood to hang it correctly. I probably could have used hooks, but I think this is more sturdy and allows for more adjustment.