Home from Christmas 2024

This morning we woke up and had breakfast. There were a few more stocking gifts that had been forgotten in a back room, so those got passed out. We played some more games with the kids before Mark had to leave for his Dad's.
After that we packed up the car with the gifts, but hung out for a while. Grandma had a puzzle that came in a tin she got Mark years ago. She had given him the tin, but the puzzle just stayed in the bag. He got into it at one point when he was little, and Sharon wasn't sure that she had all the pieces.
So, we sat down and started putting it together. I wasn't easy. We didn't have the tin, so no picture, we didn't even know the size. I worked on the border which was mostly white. It did have a tiny bit of color on most pieces on the very edge, but there were only about 6 different colors. Eventually I got that. Sarah got the train, and Sharon got the Frontrunner sign laid out. Then we slowly started getting things together. But that wasn't easy. The color scheme made it extremely difficult. It was almost like a camo pattern, and without a picture there was no telling where pieces went. I think it took over 6 hours to complete. I say I think, because we left with about 100 pieces still left to go, and they were some of the most difficult.
Once we got home we just mostly relaxed. Warren was exhausted, so he just watched TV. I played some video games with my brothers. Nikki and I went into the hot tub before bed, and that was really nice after sleeping not in our bed for several nights.