Finding Nemo

When I got home I started helping Nikki take the leaves. I got a few feet section done, but not much before the leaf blower ran out of gas. A quick trip to the end of the store and we were all set, but it was getting dark fast. We have Warren the option of going to basketball or his elementary schools production of Finding Nemo. He chose basketball.
Nikki headed inside to make dinner and I worked on getting the bulk of the leaves out of the side yard rocks. It was really dark before dinner time. At dinner Warren asked when we were leaving for Finding Nemo, then cried when we reminded him he picked basketball.
So after dinner with 30 minutes till the play I ordered Play tickets. Luckily there were still 10 seats out of the 300 or so in the theater. The Friday and Saturday shows we're sold out except for 1 ticket one of the days. So we rushed down there and got in our seats. The play was decent for and Elementary school play.
Warren and Mark of course loved it, and were thrilled to have gone. It was Warrens bedtime before we got home.