Busy Weekend

This weekend was my Dad's 70th Birthday party and all of my brother came into town. It was so great to see everyone, especially my brothers from out of state. It did make for an incredibly busy weekend though.
On Friday we all got together at my dad's and had a Salmon dinner. The kids got to play with Elevyn which was fun, it been a bit since they got to get together and just play with her.
On Saturday was the big party. We got there about 4 and hung out an talked. A lot of friends of my dad's were there, most of which I knew and it was great catching up with them. It was a really good time, but I was exhausted by the end of it.
On Sunday we headed to dinner at my mom's house because she wanted to have everyone over. Luckily we did this a bit early so that we could get the kids home early. Ian and Elevyn came over, so the kids had a blast there too. I don't know that they have ever played with her at my Mom's house, but they had a blast.